TCHAIKOVSKY Piano Concerto N.1 in Bb Major
To celebrate his first twenty years of activity of the Tchaikovsky lnstitute, which becarne the State Conservatory since January 2023, here is the wonderful concert entrusted to Maestro Filippo Arlia.
Lecturer of the Musical lnstitution and one of the most appreciated conductors of his generation, has masterfully directed the Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria to celebrate the twentieth birthday of what can be considered a cultura! and academic institution of regional, national and international importance.
The Tchaikovsky in these 20 years has formed generations of established concert performers and composers, distinguished teachers and scholars; has accompanied thousands of fans and has undoubtedly influenced the cultura! and civic growth of an entire territory of which it is the flagship.
Today it has a piace in the panorama of advanced training, with a renowned academic body, a complete, polychrome and highly professional training, ranging from classica! courses of Singing, lnstrument, Composition and Direction to new technologies, from pop and jazz music to traditional music; a sale haven tor the formation of many talents who have the opportunity, since very young, to access the preparatory courses to getto the highest academic degrees.
Education and production are the two cornerstones of the Conservatory and the latter testifies to that character of event, bui also of openness to the outside world that makes culture alive: the Tchaikovsky considers the goal of the 20th a milestone to continue with even more enthusiasm to propose musical moments and initiatives in the name of history, bui in the perspective of contemporary vision to enhance classica! music on the road to quality innovation.
The first twenty years of the Conservatory are honoured with the edition of a record with a repertoire of great charm, with the "Concerto tor Piano and Orchestra n. 1" by P.I. Tchaikovsky,one of the most performed piano concerts in the world. A work by Tchaikovsky is always a strong emotion: one remains enveloped by tender and dramatic sensations, hints of understanding and denials that raise the soul and then sink into the deep drama of the abyss. The crisis of feelings, the pain of the confrontation of a soul with the world is in Tchaikovsky motor of every event, so much so that his music becomes the emblem of a style characterized by strong expressiveness linked to melodies of great emotional impact and by an instrumental virtuosity sometimes brilliant, sometimes dramatic or melancholic.
A program thai requires a significant executive commitment, worthy of one of the greatest pianists of the international contemporary scene: at the Piano the farnous Russian musician born in Moscow but italian by adop tion Boris Petrushansky.
Exceptional soloist, Boris Petrushansky was awarded in three international competitions such as Leeds, Munich and Moscow and has established himself from a very young age with the victory of the 'Casagrande" competition in Terni in 1975, which was followed by an important international tour. Over the years he has performed with many important orchestras, including the Moscow Philharmonic, the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, the National Academy of Saint Cecilia, the Berlin Staatskapelle and Czech Philharmonic. He has collaborateci with great conductors and in June 2014 he received the international prize of the Accademia delle Muse of Florence.
Since January 1991 he has been a Professor at the lnternational Piano Academy "Incontri col Maestro" in Imola. Piano Concerto No. 1 is a powerful affirmation of lite and represents the expression of the brightest side of the composer's complex and versatile personality, showing aspects such as the tireless love tor lite and the irrepressible search tor joy and happiness, despite all the darkness and tragedy that looms over the path of man. The recording continues with "Overture 1812 op. 49" by P.I. Tchaikovsky, a composition that commemorates the attempted French invasion of Russia, composed in such a way as to "teli" with notes, alternating various musical thernes, the turning point of the Napoleonic epic, the Russian campaign and the ensuing devastating retreat of Napoleon's army, a patriotic work that is also known tor the sequence of cannon shots. The withdrawal from Moscow is underlined by a diminuendo, while the cannon shots mark the military advance towards the French borders.
A valuable live recording , or as we would say today live one, performed on the stage of the Politeama Theatre in Catanzaro, a concert in which something intangible has materialized; a performance thai has put together all the right elements, in a prestigious mix that has allowed a remarkable yield and quality. What you feel is really what happened on that stage and the recording was therefore made following the course of the work being performed, in a condition identica! to the reality of the theatrical scene: a real wealth of emotions.
The desire to create a record that is truly representative of the first twenty years of activity of the Conservatory is not only celebrating an anniversary, bui certainly contains the impulse to want to draw a line under these twenty years, so as to give a sense of closure to a first phase to start a new one, in a path that also leads to a journey into the intricate , amazing world of music reproduced. Communication is becoming more and more important far the success of a cultura! product such as music, as it is tor consumer products, but even more important musi be the quality of the product itself, the cultura! offer, the seasonal program, the concert.
The process of recording is a real cosmos, which deserves to be known and told; a universe that brings with it fundamental emotional aspects and musical significance on which the author, the performer, the musician, the director counts so much that it reaches the listener's heart and brain.
The result is a recording product that manages to evoke deep feelings, touches unique strings following universal rnechanisrns and that enriches the horizon of musical enjoyrnent.

Boris Petrushansky
Born in 1949 in Moscow, he started playing piano at the age of five, supported by a strong musical family, and had among his teachers the eminent Heinrich Neuhaus. After studying with Lev Naumov, he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1975, having already distinguished himself in major international competitions, for example at Leeds in 1969, Munich in 1971, and Terni in 1975, where he won first prize. Boris Petrushansky is a member of jury of many international competition such as “F.Busoni” (Bolzano), “D. B. Viotti” (Vercelli), “A.Casagrande” (Terni) etc. In addition to his concert life, Boris Petrushansky is active in teaching field: from 1975 to 1979 he was teaching in Moscow Conservatory and now regularly gives Master classes in the Royal Academy of Dublin, the Purcell School of London, Rowan University (New Jersey), Van Cliburn Institute of TCU (Texas), Summer Academy of Verbier (Switzerland) and in many cities of Italy and Japan.
In June 2014 Boris Petrushansky was awarded the title of Academic by the “Accademia delle Muse” in Florence, Italy.
He is now resident in Italy and since 1990 has held a position at the Academia Pianistica “Incontri col Maestro” in Imola.

Filippo Arlia
Born in 1989, Filippo Arlia is a pianist and conductor. He is considered by the international critics one of the most brilliant and versatile Italian musicians of his generation and he is also defined volcanic and unstoppable, brilliant and extraordinarily convincing. He has conducted numerous concerts in Europe , the Middle East and in general in numerous world nations. He has conducted prestigious orchestras such as the Orchestra De Tineret of Cluj, the Cukurova State Symphony Orchestra of Adana, the Philharmonic Orchestra "M. Jora" of Bacau, the Pacific Symphony Orchestra of Vladivostok. Since 2014 he has been Director of the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali "P. I. Tchaikovsky" in Nocera Terinese (CZ), where he holds a chair in principal piano and the chair in conducting.

Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria
It was born in 2011 as a resident orchestra of the Festival del Mediterraneo ; it has to its credit an intense concert activity that has seen it as the protagonist in several Italian theaters such as the Teatro Tendastrisce in Rome, the municipal theater of Altamura, the Politeama theater of Catanzaro. It has participated in numerous national festivals including the Festival delle Orchestre di Roma, the Festival "Leoncavallo" in Montalto Uffugo and the Festival Euro Mediterraneo in Altomonte. It is the resident orchestra of the opera season of the “Anfiteatro dei Ruderi di Cirella” since 2017. The orchestra was the protagonist of a tour in China at the Tianjin Opera House and the Harbin Opera House with the production of "Le Nozze di Figaro", "Pagliacci", "Cavalleria Rusticana", "Turandot", "Carmina Burana" and the New Year’s Concert with the voice of José Carreras. It boasts prestigious collaborations with many world-class musicians such as Michel Camilo, Ramin Bahrami, Sergej Krylov, Ilya Grubert, Sergei Nakariakov, Yuri Shiskin. The Principal Conductor is Filippo Arlia, awarded with the Gold Medal in the Aula Magna of the "La Sapienza" University of Rome "for the highly prized technique shown in the conducting of the orchestra and for the distinguished interpretation of the great symphonic repertoire of the '900".