Artists / Alessandro Haber / Maria de Buenos Aires
Alessandro Haber - Ce Suárez Paz - Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria - Cesare Chiacchiaretta - Filippo Arlia
Astor Piazzolla

Maria de Buenos Aires

Maria de Buenos Aires
Alessandro Haber - Ce Suárez Paz - Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria - Cesare Chiacchiaretta - Filippo Arlia
Astor Piazzolla

Maria de Buenos Aires

The album

Recorded in September 2021 at the charming Colonia San Benedetto in Cetraro, Maria de Buenos Aires, with the Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria, conducted by Maestro Filippo Arlia, revives the magical South American realism, ruthless and poetic , embodied in the theatrical masterpiece of Astor Piazzolla. Author of this tango-operita born from a metropolitan legend, Piazzolla, with stubborn courage , even if in respect of the tradition , has given rise to a surreal and visionary story that has become an avant-ga rde artistic product.
The sad stories of the unfortunate worker Maria, played by Ce Suarez Paz, take place in a m iserable suburb of Buenos Aires and are intertwined with the seductive sounds of tango. A woman, little more than a teenager, is captivated and seduced by a celestial sound emitted by a bandoneon, admirably played by Cesare Chiacchiaretta: a beautiful music and enchanting, Mary is caught up in it, soon meeting the evil of a city that turns her first into a singer and then into a prostitute.
The fascinating music of the violin by Giovanni Zonno and the electric guitar by Salvatore Russo , who succeed in uniting sacred, profane and fantastic, in an atmosphere between allegory and symbolism that strongly permeate every moment of the work. Maria die s, still very young and her death is also a condemnation to hell, and hell is the city of Buenos Aires, crowded with time-wasters, thieves and murderers where its ghost wanders, Until death is also the return to virginity. Mary is born again to give birt h to a child, a new seif , condemned to the eternal return of things. Around the Shadow of Mary move a Payador, Alberto Maria Munafo and a young writer, EI Duende, played by Alessandro Haber .
The story of Maria is a metaphor, which from the suggestions of the wonderful and universal music of Astor Piazzolla speaks of despair and loss of personal, civic and social identity . Thus comes to light a recording of drunks, murderer s, thieves , prostitutes and protectors moving around , where EI Duende, a kind of demon, goes to the tomb of Mary and brings her back to life forcing her back to the same terrible existence and where the demon Bandoneon seduces the wretched taking her on the road of evil for the second tim e. A work in which the tango , hypnotic and magnetic , marks the alterna4on of life and death, a ferocious but poetic music, which can make one reflect on the terrible consequences induced by the violent and evil behaviors put into action by human beings on their fellow men.

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Alessandro Haber
The artist

Alessandro Haber is a director, writer, screenwriter, co-screenwriter but he is also a talented Italian actor, known for his performances in cinema, theater and music. In addition to his artistic career, Haber is also a talented musician. He has written and sung songs, organizing concerts together with Mimmo Locasciulli. Already from his first CD ("Haberrante") he proves to be a confident and refined interpreter. The following albums, "Something to declare" and "Il sogno di un uomo", will be just a further confirmation of his talent. The most successful single is "La valigia dell'attore" composed for Haber by Francesco De Gregori.

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Ce Suárez Paz
The artist

Born in Buenos Aires, she comes from a family of great artists. His father Fernando Suárez Paz is a violinist his mother, the singer Beatriz Suárez Paz , his brother Leonardo is a violinist with his own tango company in New York.
She trained and is training as a singing teacher with the tenor Sergio Tulián of the Teatro Colón She studied training as an artist of musical comedy, with great masters: Pepe Cibrán, Ricky Pashkus, Helena Roger, Mirta Arrua Lichi, Esteban Miolto, Adriana Rolla, Polly Botello, Nelly Pucci, Noemí Coelho and Rodolfo Oguín.

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Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria
The artist

Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria

It was born in 2011 as a resident orchestra of the Festival del Mediterraneo ; it has to its credit an intense concert activity that has seen it as the protagonist in several Italian theaters such as the Teatro Tendastrisce in Rome, the municipal theater of Altamura, the Politeama theater of Catanzaro. It has participated in numerous national festivals including the Festival delle Orchestre di Roma, the Festival "Leoncavallo" in Montalto Uffugo and the Festival Euro Mediterraneo in Altomonte. It is the resident orchestra of the opera season of the “Anfiteatro dei Ruderi di Cirella” since 2017. The orchestra was the protagonist of a tour in China at the Tianjin Opera House and the Harbin Opera House with the production of "Le Nozze di Figaro", "Pagliacci", "Cavalleria Rusticana", "Turandot", "Carmina Burana" and the New Year’s Concert with the voice of José Carreras. It boasts prestigious collaborations with many world-class musicians such as Michel Camilo, Ramin Bahrami, Sergej Krylov, Ilya Grubert, Sergei Nakariakov, Yuri Shiskin. The Principal Conductor is Filippo Arlia, awarded with the Gold Medal in the Aula Magna of the "La Sapienza" University of Rome "for the highly prized technique shown in the conducting of the orchestra and for the distinguished interpretation of the great symphonic repertoire of the '900".

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Cesare Chiacchiaretta
The artist


Born in Chieti, from a very young age he devoted himself to the study of the accordion and then began to undertake the study of the bandoneon as well. He studied with Maestro Claudio Calista at the Accademia Musicale Pescarese, graduating with full marks and honors at the Conservatory "N. Piccinni" of Bari in 1995. Later he perfected his technique with masters of the caliber of M. Bonnay, V. Zubitsky and M. Ellegaard.
He held concerts for the most prestigious concert halls in Italy and abroad (France, Russia, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, Mexico, Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Netherlands, Spain) both as soloist and in various chamber ensembles. He was awarded in the most important national and international competitions of solo and chamber music performance, obtaining among the others the first prize, in 1993, at the International Competition "Città di Castelfidardo" (since then no Italian has been able to win the coveted award). In 1991 he was chosen as the only Italian representative at the UNESCO C.I.A.- I.M.C World Cup. In 1993 he was invited to participate, in representation of Italy, to the 43 World Accordion Trophy in Setubal (Portugal). His great interest in chamber music led him to regularly collaborate with musicians of the calibre of Corrado Giuffredi, Lorna Windsor, Danilo Rossi, Giuseppe Ettorre, Nando Gazzolo, Arnoldo Foà, Elio, Rino Vernizzi, Massimo Mercelli and in various formations (Cuarteto del Angel, Trio sin Palabras, Quartetto Mahagonny), exploring the most varied repertoires. He plays in the accordion quartet Accord' Ance, an original ensemble with which he has performed numerous concerts and won important awards in international competitions. He has made numerous radio and television recordings for national and foreign broadcasters (Raiuno, Radiotre, Tv Korea, Tv Romania).
Great connoisseur of Astor Piazzolla , he devotes himself with passion and interest to the music of this great artist. In 2006 he performed under the direction of Maestro Riccardo Muti at the Teatro dell'Opera in Rome with the Symphony Orchestra "L. Cherubini" performing music by Nino Rota.
The intense teaching activity he has been carrying out with passion for several years has led his students to achieve significant success in the most relevant international competitions.
He teaches accordion at the Conservatory of Music "T. Schipa" in Lecce.

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Filippo Arlia
The artist

Filippo Arlia

Born in 1989, Filippo Arlia is a pianist and conductor. He is considered by the international critics one of the most brilliant and versatile Italian musicians of his generation and he is also defined volcanic and unstoppable, brilliant and extraordinarily convincing. He has conducted numerous concerts in Europe , the Middle East and in general in numerous world nations. He has conducted prestigious orchestras such as the Orchestra De Tineret of Cluj, the Cukurova State Symphony Orchestra of Adana, the Philharmonic Orchestra "M. Jora" of Bacau, the Pacific Symphony Orchestra of Vladivostok. Since 2014 he has been Director of the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali "P. I. Tchaikovsky" in Nocera Terinese (CZ), where he holds a chair in principal piano and the chair in conducting.

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