Boris Petrushansky

Boris Petrushansky
Born in 1949 in Moscow, he started playing piano at the age of five, supported by a strong musical family, and had among his teachers the eminent Heinrich Neuhaus. After studying with Lev Naumov, he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1975, having already distinguished himself in major international competitions, for example at Leeds in 1969, Munich in 1971, and Terni in 1975, where he won first prize. Boris Petrushansky is a member of jury of many international competition such as “F.Busoni” (Bolzano), “D. B. Viotti” (Vercelli), “A.Casagrande” (Terni) etc. In addition to his concert life, Boris Petrushansky is active in teaching field: from 1975 to 1979 he was teaching in Moscow Conservatory and now regularly gives Master classes in the Royal Academy of Dublin, the Purcell School of London, Rowan University (New Jersey), Van Cliburn Institute of TCU (Texas), Summer Academy of Verbier (Switzerland) and in many cities of Italy and Japan.
In June 2014 Boris Petrushansky was awarded the title of Academic by the “Accademia delle Muse” in Florence, Italy.
He is now resident in Italy and since 1990 has held a position at the Academia Pianistica “Incontri col Maestro” in Imola.