Le otto stagioni
There is one element that links ali musical transcriptions, independently of the capacity to compose of their creators. It is not a musical element, but a human one. And in as much as it is a human element, it is the driving farce from which no composer can subtract himself: the human desire to appropriate what one loves. When people ask me the reason which led me to transcribe The Four Seasons by Vivaldi, my answer is "because I don't play the violin". And ali in ali, this exhausts my arguments. At 14, I had my first contact with Winter by Vivaldi and from then on, his frost has never stopped making me tremble. I decided thus that sooner or later I would have to take ownership of that music, steal it and, with my own hands, transform it so that I could live it as a creator and not just as a listener. I believe that any transcriber is driven by the same impulse as me and I can't imagine that Bach, Liszt, Busoni could have grappled with transcriptions of works that they detested. Before the readers of this text become listeners of this record, I would like to add another consideration. It contains transcriptions that have never been written down, not even partially, on a sheet of music. There is no merit in this at ali, if anything it is laziness in not wanting to write down on the stave what the mind has already impressed in itself. But there is also a freedom in it of being ab le to leave room for spontaneity. This disc, which contains transcriptions, is itself a transcription. A transcription of the changing musical intentions which animate me, which in their turn are the transcription of the originai emotion from which this work stems. Considering therefore that the final result of this project is at least the fourth generation derived from the ancestors Vivaldi and Piazzolla, it is inevitable that I may have moved many leagues away from the originai port of departure. In this crossing I have tried not to take too much advantage of the digitai means which modernity offers (imposes on) us and to propose a recording that remains authentic. I hope in this way to have safeguarded the authenticity of the emotion that generated it.

Born in Lecce in 1987 he graduated at the age of 18 at the Conservatory "Tito Schipa" in Lecce with full marks, honors and special mention under the guidance of Mariagrazia Lioy . He studied chamber music with Francesco Libetta. He then continued his studies by attending advanced courses at the F. B. Mendelssohn Piano Academy in Taurisano with the Maestro Ippazio Ponzetta and with the Maestro Vincenzo Balzani. Awarded in important International Competitions , he won the 1st prize at the “Svetislav Stancic” in Zagreb and at the “Rina Sala Gallo” in Monza. He won the 2nd prize in the 19th Competition "Camillo Togni", the special Prize as the best Italian competitor in the 17th Competition "Città di Cantù". He is one of the 24 pianists selected for the final stages of the International Piano Competition "Ferruccio Busoni" in Bolzano. He held a masterclass on Baroque music at the Zagreb Academy of Music in February 2011.