Scipione Sangiovanni

Born in Lecce in 1987 he graduated at the age of 18 at the Conservatory "Tito Schipa" in Lecce with full marks, honors and special mention under the guidance of Mariagrazia Lioy . He studied chamber music with Francesco Libetta. He then continued his studies by attending advanced courses at the F. B. Mendelssohn Piano Academy in Taurisano with the Maestro Ippazio Ponzetta and with the Maestro Vincenzo Balzani. Awarded in important International Competitions , he won the 1st prize at the “Svetislav Stancic” in Zagreb and at the “Rina Sala Gallo” in Monza. He won the 2nd prize in the 19th Competition "Camillo Togni", the special Prize as the best Italian competitor in the 17th Competition "Città di Cantù". He is one of the 24 pianists selected for the final stages of the International Piano Competition "Ferruccio Busoni" in Bolzano. He held a masterclass on Baroque music at the Zagreb Academy of Music in February 2011.