Giuseppe Spalletta

Giuseppe Spalletta
Giuseppe Spalletta began studying guitar at the age of eleven, under the guidance of his cousin Maestro Mario Spalletta. In June 2009 he graduated in guitar at the “Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali A.Toscanini'' in Ribera (Ag) with the Maestro Riccardo Ferrara. He studied with the Maestros Francesco Lo Monaco, William D'Arrigo, Vladimir Mikulka, Claudio Piastra and Giulio Tampalini. His artistic activity sees him committed to collaborating and performing in different formations. He has collaborated with the National Orchestra of the Moldovan Republic; Chamber Orchestra "A Toscanini'; String Quartet ''Fandango'; String Quartet ''Falaut Campus Academy'; String Quartet of the Teatro Massimo Bellini Orchestra in Catania.
In 2006 from the collaboration with the flutist Rosario Zabbara, the '' Musica D'aujourd'hui '' Duo was born.
He collaborate with the theatre company: “Gruppo Artistico della BCC dei Castelli e degli Iblei di Mazzarino”.
In April 2011 there was the publication of his first album entirely dedicated to the works for solo guitar of the composer Rosolino Di Salvo.
In February 2013 he was guest of Rai Uno together with the colleague Angelo Bartolotta on the guitar.
He is a guitar teacher at the Mazzarino Comprehensive Institute.