Music for guitar and violin
Paganini's guitar writing is primarily oriented to enhance the melodie capabilities of the instrument. His very agile and seemingly simple approach gives infinite possibilities of expression and reveals the most intimate and less glan10-rous side of the composer. Another Paganini, far from the stage, sitting with his guitar in a small circle of friends. Interesting how much of his distinctive violin technique can be found in his works for guitar, as far as many muical guitar solutions can be found in his violin music.
The Sonatas of collection M.S. 84
The originai title, from manuscripts, has the caption "Sonatas for French Guitar by Niccolò Paganini lviusic Teacher". No. 33 111 C 1ninor, whose Minuet evokes tl1e passion of a past love, solves in a s1nall but encouraging section in C major witl1 open arpeggios and chords, expressing a lot of positiveness. No. 26 in A major, with a dedication to "Signora Thifarinan , opens witl1 a Thifinuet as an Ai.r witl1 a sentii11ental taste, followed by a contrasting section witl1 a pronounced imitative role-play. It is followed by a 6/8 which evokes the author's personality: sometin1es quiet, sometimes clun1sy, interrupted by a brief cantabile section. And finally the Allegretto, with h.is light-heartedness.atmosphere. The sonatas are nsually in two 1nove1nents, (a Minuet followed by another piece rn the same key) and the term is not referred to the eia ssical sonata fonn, as opposed to the model he adopted for tl1e Sonata Concertata M.S. 2
The Sonata Concertata
The Sonata Concertata M.S.2 was composed in 1803. Unlike his other works for violin and guitar, here there is a perfect balance between the two instruments. Both parts are written specifically to highlight different characteristics in a continuos diaJogue, expressed in the exchange of phrases and imitations, to end up in simmetry and joyfuJ unisons. The structure is conventional, with first movement sonataform, a free second movement and and spirited Rondò as third movement.
Grande Sonata in A M.S. 3
Composed around 1803, the Grande Sonata for solo guitar with violin accompainment M.S. 3 represents a milestone in the production for gi.ùtar, as well as the 24 Capricci represents for the violin. In this sonata, of a typical Italian taste, it is clearly visible a strong compositive coherence and an exquisite originalit:y.
Sonata No. 1 from "Centone di Sonate" Dated 1828, "Centone di Sonate" is a collection for violin and guitar, where the violin has a dominant role. It is rich and creative music and, again, the term "sonata" .is used freely, as it was contistency, when .it was used just to separate vocal compositons music written specifically for instrumental performance.
Cantabile M.S. 109
The Cantabile in D 1 major conveys an unusual image of Genoese composer: simple but intense and spontaneous. A voice that shows tenderness and unconditioned love.
Franz Schubert, after having heard Paganini in concert for the first movement, wrote: "I have heard an Angel singing in the “Adagio". In fact, Paganini was famous for his ,warm and intense tone the slow and expressive movements, like this marvelous Cantabile.
The Capricci Op. 1
We do not know the exact date of composition of the 24 Paganini's Capricci, about which it has been suggested a juvenile placement. On 24th November 1817 the miIanese publisher Giovanni Ricordi had the plates printed for this collection. The pieces grouped in Op. 1 were gradually prepared and reported a dedication: "Alli Artisti that is to the constant and private study of the professionals. In this recording we have chosen No. 16, a beautiftù morceau de bravure in which we see the intention of the author to move all rhythmic accents with the caption "forte" where usually the weak accent it should drop.

Federica Mosa
Born in 1993 in Palermo, she obtained her violin diploma at the age of 17 at the Pareggiato Music Institute "V. Bellini" in Caltanissetta in 2011 with full marks. Since she was a child, she has shown strong musical skills that have allowed her to achieve brilliant results. In 2005 she won the First Prize for her category at the National Competition for Young Musicians organized by the FIDAPA section of Catania. Winner of numerous competitions: in 2009 she participated in the 5th European Music Execution Competition "Città di Campobello di Licata" (Agrigento) ranking in the first place; in the 4th International Competition for Young Musicians (Canicattì) she participated both as solo violin and in a chamber group, thus obtaining two first places.
She ranked first for three consecutive sessions in 2010, 2011 and 2012 at the National Competition of Young Musicians “Associazione Amici della Musica Benedetto Albanese” (Caccamo). She ranked for her category in the National competition for young performers “Eliodoro Sollima” held in May 2012, obtaining a special award as the best performer for her category.
She performed as First Solo Violin in the "Vivaldi Spring" with the chamber orchestra of the “Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali V.Bellini" conducted by Maestro Angelo Licalsi and she has also participated in several concerts of the “Accademia Musicale di Palermo” as First Violin. She attended the course "F. J. Haydn -Quartets and Symphonies" directed by the teacher Walter Burian from "J. Haydn Konseravatorium" Eisenstadt- Austria. Winner of the audition for the orchestra “Officina Sinfonica Siciliana”, she completed the orchestral course in October 2012. Also in 2012 she was the first of the eligible in the audition held by the Massimo Bellini theater in Catania for the orchestral violin.
Here she worked with the role of concertino of the second violins. In 2013 she was admitted to the audition for chamber music at the Accademia Nazionale Santa Cecilia in Rome. In 2014 she won the audition for violin at the Accademia Alla Scala in Milan, in the same year she worked at the Teatro Lirico Foundation in Cagliari as an orchestral violin, she has participated in the Laura Pausini’s tour – “Taormina Festival” in May 2014 as a violinist. In November 2014 she resulted eligible in the audition held by the Teatro Lirico of Cagliari for orchestral violin, theater with which she collaborates for three years. In February 2018, she is eligible as orchestral violin for the audition organized by the Bologna Philharmonic Orchestra.
In September 2018 she made an important tour in Japan directed by the orchestra artistic director Hirofumi Yoshida. From November 2018 she result eligible for the orchestra “Sinfonica Siciliana di Palermo” with which she collaborates daily.

Giuseppe Spalletta
Giuseppe Spalletta began studying guitar at the age of eleven, under the guidance of his cousin Maestro Mario Spalletta. In June 2009 he graduated in guitar at the “Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali A.Toscanini'' in Ribera (Ag) with the Maestro Riccardo Ferrara. He studied with the Maestros Francesco Lo Monaco, William D'Arrigo, Vladimir Mikulka, Claudio Piastra and Giulio Tampalini. His artistic activity sees him committed to collaborating and performing in different formations. He has collaborated with the National Orchestra of the Moldovan Republic; Chamber Orchestra "A Toscanini'; String Quartet ''Fandango'; String Quartet ''Falaut Campus Academy'; String Quartet of the Teatro Massimo Bellini Orchestra in Catania.
In 2006 from the collaboration with the flutist Rosario Zabbara, the '' Musica D'aujourd'hui '' Duo was born.
He collaborate with the theatre company: “Gruppo Artistico della BCC dei Castelli e degli Iblei di Mazzarino”.
In April 2011 there was the publication of his first album entirely dedicated to the works for solo guitar of the composer Rosolino Di Salvo.
In February 2013 he was guest of Rai Uno together with the colleague Angelo Bartolotta on the guitar.
He is a guitar teacher at the Mazzarino Comprehensive Institute.