Aida - Finale Act Il
The grand finale from Act Il is a complex part of the opera because it consists of a single action with many different contrasting characters. Highlighted is the famous Triumphal March ( in this case entrusted to the Trumpet and the Trom bone).
Ouverture "The Barber of Sevi/le"
lt is an opera buffa, written by Rossini (probably in a few months), and has a tradi tional bipartite form, divided into two parts: the initial Andante Maestoso and the subsequent Allegro con Brio.
Ouverture "La Gazza Ladra - The Thieving Magpie"
Certainly, the characteristic element is the drumroll , which is heard since the beginning, masterfully reproduced, in this case, by the Piano.
Ouverture "La Forza del Destino - The Force of Destiny"
The ouverture was added to the opera at a later time by Verdi himself. His intention was to present it as a prelude to the opera and also as a composition on its own.
Intermezzo in "Fedora"
One of the most famous pages in the repertoire of Umberto Giordano , performed by a Piano Solo.
Tosca Fantasy
A medley of the most famous music themes from the opera "Tosca" by Giacomo Puccini, ali reunited in a single arrangement written for this quarte!.
Dormite! - Sleep! "Nessun Dorma" in Turandot
An originai arrangement of the theme "Nessun Dorma", with an astonishing finale .

MaSiFuLa Quartet born thank to the idea of the 4 artist and solist of Orchestra Philarmonica of Calabria. They aren’t just collegues, they are in life best friend. The perfect mix that gave life to one of the most important works of theri lives.