Founded in 2015 by Vincenzo Meriani, Matteo Parisi, Marina Pellegrino and Francesco Venga, Quartetto Felix postgratuated in Chamber Music Performance with honors at Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia with maestro Carlo Fabiano. They have regularly been invited to play by major institutions and concert societies in Italy (Amici della Musica di Firenze, Fondazione William Walton, Trame Sonore – Mantova Chamber Music Festival, Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Euroclassical, Centro Studi Musicali Ferruccio Busoni, Arezzo Classica, Firenze Fortissimissimo Festival, Festival Sesto Rocchi, Fondazione Scuola di Musica di Fiesole and Agimus), with excellent public feedback and critical reviews. Quartetto Felix, winner of the Giuseppe Sinopoli Award conferred by the President of the Italian Republic, was founded in 2015, within the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome. The name Felix was chosen not only because it identifies the quartet’s view that happiness is an indispensable condition for making chamber music, but it is also a tribute to Campania, called Felix by the ancient Latins and the home region of all its members. In 2016, they completed the chamber music specialisation course held by Maestro Bruno Giuranna at the Chigiana Music Academy in Siena, obtaining the merit diploma and a scholarship. In 2017, they won second prize and the Special Audience Award at the Massimiliano AntonelliThird International Chamber Music Competition in Latina.They have also participated in masterclasses with Maestros Bruno Canino, Alberto Miodini, Enrico Bronzi, Frank-Immo Zichner and Ulrike Hoffman. As nominated ensemble of the European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA), they participated in workshops at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole and the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris with maestros Hatto Beyerle, Johannes Meissl, Dirk Mommertz, Itamar Golan, Lorenza Borrani, Antonello Farulli, Diana Ligeti and Patrick Judt. They participated in the broadcast ‘La Stanza della Musica’ for Rai Radio3, performing live music by Walton, Mahler and Schnittke and were selected to participate in the VIII Leonidas Kavakos Violin Masterclass & Chamber Music Workshop by Maestro Leonidas Kavakos held in April 2019 at the Academy in Athens. The quartet are currently attending the Accademia Europea del Quartetto at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole under the Quartetto Belcea and the Maestros Andrea Nannoni and Christophe Giovaninetti (Quartetto Ysaye). In 2019, the Quartet was awarded a scholarship by the William Walton Foundation to support their musical activity.