In nomine Terrae
The idea
Melodic research, complex rhythms, simplemusical writing ( closed to a minimalist style), passion and Italian taste. Tradition and innovation unique.
Concerto per Fadiesis
It is a composition neotonal style with Brahmsian echoes, along with a popular lure as can be heard from the third movement. A piece commissioned by the Fadiesis association of Pordenone
Sunflower Seed
The episode recalls an Ukraine woman who inveighs against a Russian soldier for the invasion she is suffering. At the end of the animated dicussion she tells him: "Get these sunflower seeds and old them in your pocket, when you will and lyied down sunflower flowers will grow". The sunflower is also Ukraine symbol of Ukraine and flowers seed are the metaphor of Ukraine renaissance.
In Nomine Terrae
The composition aims is intended as a tribute to our beloved Earth which by now rebels againstthe wicked men ivterventions by the wicked interventions causing earthquakes, floods, and other forms of environmental catastrophes. The first movement is DE HOMINE ET NATURA. The total theme of Mother Nature by dissonances. LACRIMOSA is the second movement. The pain of nature as well as human victims. Lastly the OMINUM CONCORDIA, a concordance of all things. It recall the different entities and races of Earth in alternating rhythms and hopes for a natural balance in a world without war and calamities.