Francesco Bissanti

Francesco Bissanti was born on 30 June 1979 in the province of Foggia. At the age of 7 years old he began the study of piano, under the guidance first of the Maestro G. Spagnoli and then of the Maestro F.Monopoli, graduated with full marks and honors at the Conservatory "N. Piccinni" in Bari. He perfected himself for several years with the Maestro L. Passaglia, obtaining the "Diploma of Excellence" at the Umbrian Academy of Perugia. With the Maestro V.Balzani he began a long and intense path of improvement under the technical-interpretative profile of the different repertoires of the piano literature. He obtained numerous awards resulting awarded and absolute winner in several national and international piano competitions, such as international competition “Ecomusic” of Monopoli (2nd prize), “Città di San Giovanni Teatino” (1st absolute prize), “Città di Bucchianico” (1st prize); Winner of a scholarship at the IX competition for musical performance of Giulianova "Rotary Club", “Città di Ortona” (1st prize), international competition "V. Martina "of Massafra (2nd prize), international competition"Città di San Gemini "(1st prize), international competition" Magliano Sabina "(1st prize), international competition of Montalto Ligure"Premio Maria Grazia Vivaldi "(2nd prize), international competition "L'Estro Armonico" city of Ladispoli (1st absolute prize), international competition of Teramo " Premio Ars Nova" (1st absolute prize, with a score of 100/100), city of Foligno competition (1st absolute prize and absolute winner of the competition), Caramanico Terme international competition “Paolo Barrasso” (1st prize), international competition of piano performance “Ernesto Falla” of Candelo (3rd prize).
In 2006 he obtained with 110 cum laude the Second Level Academic Diploma in "Chamber Music" at the I.M.P.G. Braga of Teramo. He holds the role of piano teacher in the SMIM "A.Moro" of Seriate( Bg).