Artists / Andrea Manco

Andrea Manco

Andrea Manco
The artist

Andrea Manco
First Flute of the Orchestra of the Teatro alla Scala and of the Scala Philharmonic since 2015. He studied at the "Tito Schipa" conservatory in Lecce under the guidance of Luigi Bisanti, graduating at 16 with full marks and honors. He studied at the Academy of Imola with Persichilli, Mercelli and Cambursano, in Florence with Marasco and at the "Conservatoire Superieure de Musique" in Geneva with Jacques Zoon.
Considered one of the most brilliant flutists of his generation, he obtained prizes in the major international flute competitions: "Francesco Cilea" of Palmi, "Leonardo De Lorenzo" of Viggiano, Yamaha Music Foundation of Milan, "Emanuele Krakamp" of Naples, "Pellegrini ”Of Cagliari, the XXXVIII InternationalCompetition of Budapest and the First“ Maxence Larrieu ”International Flute Competition in Nice. In 2002 he was chosen by Riccardo Muti as the first flute of the "Luigi Cherubini" Youth Orchestra, which he created. In 2003, at the age of 20, he obtained the position of first flute in the Orchestra of the Teatro Regio of Turin conducted by Gianandrea Noseda. He was invited, as first guest flute, by the orchestras: Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Opera di Roma, Stuttgart Philharmoniker, Hungarian National Philharmonic, Noord Nederlands Orkest, Symphonica Toscanini conducted by Lorin Maazel, touring Europe, USA, Japan, China and Israel.
He also has, as a soloist and chamber musician, concerts in numerous Italian and international festivals; in 2018 he was invited to the Lucerne Festival Orchestra conducted by Riccardo Chailly. He recorded for Warner Music, Brilliant Classics, Decca, Sony and for the CD’s of the music magazine Syrinx, Amadeus and Falaut. He teaches flute at the "Incontri col Maestro" International Academy in Imola and at the Teatro alla Scala Academy.

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