Roberto Noferini

Roberto Noferini
Sine his début at the age of 12 at the Teatro Comunale in Bologna, he has carried out a very intense concert activity at prestigious festivals and for important concert associations all over the world. He graduateci in violin with honours from the Milan Conservatory "Verdi" under G. Baffero; later, he was able to perfect his skills with A. Grumiaux, S. Accardo, C. Romano. He also studied baroque music with R. Goebel, E. Gatti, F. Birsak and S. Rambaldi. Hewon several first prizes and special awards at important international competitions ("Postacchini"in Fermo,"Lipizer" Competition in Gorizia,"Perosi" in Biella). He played many concerts all over Europe, performing Baroque and Classical repertory with violin and Baroque bow, together with Chiara Cattani as harpsichordist and fortepianist: in their artistic activity, very important are several CDs recorded for the italian label Tactus with the complete works for violin and harpsichord by G. Sarti and the Twelve Sonatas op. 2 by G.B. Somis. His recording of 24 Capricci for solo violin by Paganini, for the first time with baroque bow, always for the label "Tactus" reached in a very few time a big success. Moreover, he recorded two CDs for the Bongiovanni label together with the pianist B. Canino (Sonatas by Busoni and Morceaux by Bazzini), and severaI other CDs for Tactus, Trios by Bossi and the two Concerts for violin and orchestra by Pugnani. In 2000 he founded the SchuberTrio. Since then, he has performed in several chamber concerts, always getting remarkable appreciation of public and criticism. Described by many critics as one of the most brilliant violinists of his generation, he has played as soloist in some of the most renowned violin concerts and has played in chamber ensembles together with B. Canino, S.Accardo, M. Quarta, I. Faust, C. Rossi, B. Giuranna, D. Zardi, A.Pay. Roberto Noferini concentrates on contemporary repertory and has collaborateci with L. Berto, S. Sciarrino, G. Petrassi, N. Castigliani, R. Cacciala, G. Manzoni, and B. Bettinelli: he also played solo violin in various poetry readings with P. Gassman, A. Foà, U. Pagliai, G. Giannini. He currently teaches violin at the lnstitute of Advanced Music Studies "Pergolesi" in Fermo and gives master classes in Faenza ("Corso di Perfezionamento Violinistico estivo M. Allegri"), where he also is artistic director. Roberto Noferini was honoured as Knight of the Order of Saint Agatha by the Republic of San Marino for high artistic and culturaI achievements. For this recording, he plays on a Don Nicola Amati historical violin dateci between 1720 and 1730, with gut strings.